today is our anniversary..but seem dont concern u..its okay nvm..
Ytd was my big brother weddling everythings seem okay and going fine..glady that he married le=) happy for him... her mum and her came to my bro's weddling too..we talks laugh and smile together..i very happy too=DD. after weddling sent her and her mum to downstairs and went up to take a reunion photo..da sau had a baby..3 month le wow going be uncle soon i am excited and cant wait that day..hehe..
just knew all..sad? ofcos..i wont bother u le..takecare bahx..aniwae iloveyou lots..
tired le...all for today happywahaha!
tmr start work going overseas leaving me alone=(Once my beloved forever my beloved.
her with her cake=)

painted in room=)
a simple cake for u..i had put my heart in it.
hope u like the cake baked for u.. i<3>